mpfps Strukturreferenz

MP floating pointer structure. Mehr ...

#include <mp_registers.h>

Öffentliche Attribute

char signature [4]
 signature "_MP_"
unsigned int physptr
 physical address pointer (MP config table address)
unsigned char length
 length of the structure in 16-byte units
unsigned char spec_rev
 MP version (0x01 = 1.1; 0x04 = 1.4)
unsigned char checksum
 checksum (overall sum must be 0)
unsigned char feature1
 =0: there is an MP config table; otherwise: default config
unsigned char feature2
 bit 7 set: IMCR and PIC mode; otherwise: virtual wire mode
unsigned char feature3
 reserved (0)
unsigned char feature4
 reserved (0)
unsigned char feature5
 reserved (0)

Ausführliche Beschreibung

MP floating pointer structure.

Intel MP Spec, p. 4-3

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