File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 data.hMultiboot Interface
 startup.hStartup of the first core, also known as bootstrap processor (BSP)
 startup_ap.hStartup of additional cores, the application processors (APs)
 fix.hCompiler-dependent fixes & idiosyncrasies
 libc.hInitialization functions for global objects required by the compiler
 libcxx.ccC++ runtime support functions
 assert.hContains several macros usable for making assertions
 copystream.hCopyStream duplicates output streams
 kernelpanic.hMacro to print an error message and stop the current core
 nullstream.hNullStream is a stream discarding everything
 output.hDebug macros enabling debug output on a separate window for each core
 keyboard.hThe Keyboard device handles keystrokes
 panic.hDefault interrupt handling device Panic
 serialstream.hSerial output stream
 textstream.hTextStream outputs text onto the screen in TextMode
 watch.hWatch device using the LAPIC::Timer
 gate.hClass Gate (Device interrupt handling)
 guard.hGuard synchronizes access to epilogue level
 guarded.hGuarded, an interface to secure critical sections
 handler.hinterrupt_handler() Interrupt handler
 plugbox.hPlugbox allows assigning devices to interrupt vectors
 acpi.hStructs and methods related to the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)"
 apic.hGather system information from the ACPI about the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC)
 cache.hHelper for cache alignment
 cmos.hControlling the complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)
 context.hFunctionality required for context switching
 core.hAccess to internals of a CPU Core
 core_cr.hAccess to Control Register of a CPU core
 core_interrupt.hInterrupt control and interrupt vector list
 core_msr.hIdentifiers for Model-Specific Register
 gdt.hThe Global Descriptor Table (GDT)
 idt.hInterrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) containing the entry points for interrupt handling
 ioapic.hIOAPIC abstracts the access to the I/O APIC
 ioapic_registers.hHelper structures for interacting with the I/O APIC
 ioport.hIOPort provides access to the x86 IO address space
 keydecoder.hKeyDecoder decodes a keystroke to the corresponding Key object
 lapic.hLAPIC abstracts access to the Local APIC
 lapic_registers.hStructures and macros for accessing the local APIC
 pic.hHandle (disable) the old Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC)
 pit.hThe old/historical Programmable Interval Timer (PIT)
 ps2controller.hPS/2 Controller (Intel 8042, also known as Keyboard Controller)
 serial.hCommunication via the Serial interface (RS-232)
 system.hGeneral System functionality (reboot)
 textmode.hTextMode provides a basic interface to display a character in VGA-compatible text mode
 textwindow.hTextWindow provides virtual output windows in text mode
 bbuffer.hContains a bounded buffer
 key.hKey, an abstraction for handling pressed keys and their modifiers
 outputstream.hThis file contains the OutputStream
 queue.hTemplated Queue for arbitrary objects
 stringbuffer.hStringbuffer composes single characters into a buffer
 bell.hBell, a synchronization object for sleeping
 bellringer.hBellringer that manages and activates time-triggered activities
 semaphore.hSemaphore for synchronization of threads
 spinlock.hContains the class Spinlock
 ticketlock.hContains the class Ticketlock
 waitingroom.hContains the class Waitingroom
 guarded_bell.hGuardedBell, a guarded interface for Bell
 guarded_keyboard.hGuardedKeyboard, a guarded interface for Keyboard
 guarded_scheduler.hGuardedScheduler, a guarded interface for Scheduler
 guarded_semaphore.hGuardedSemaphore, a guarded interface for Semaphore
 assassin.hAssassin handles IPIs triggered by Scheduler::kill
 dispatcher.hDispatcher for Thread threads
 idlethread.hIdleThread executed by the Scheduler if no other Thread is ready
 scheduler.hScheduler to manage the threads
 thread.hThread abstraction required for multithreading
 wakeup.hWakeUp allows to activate sleeping cores
 appl.hEnthält die Klasse Application
 kappl.hEnthält die Klasse KeyboardApplication
 math.hGeneral purpose math functions
 size.hTemplate function to determine the length of an array
 string.hGeneral purpose String functions
 types.hDefinition of standard integer types with specified widths and their limits