Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Müller-Schloer
Former Professor
- cms@sra.uni-hannover.de
- Sprechzeiten
- by arrangement
Personal data🔗
Born on March 2, 1950, in Brannenburg, Germany
Education and professional positions🔗
- Dipl. Ing. EE 1975 in EE at the Technische Universität Munich
- Dr. Ing. EE (semiconductor physics) 1977, Technische Universität Munich
- Teaching assignments: Universität Linz, Nanyang Technological Institute Singapore, Universität Dortmund
- 1977 – 1980 and 1982 – 1990: Member of the Siemens Corporate Research Laboratories for Applied Computer Science, Munich,
- 1980 – 1982: Member of the Siemens Research Laboratories in Princeton, NJ, U.S.A.
- 1991 – 2018: Chair of Computer Architecture and Operating Systems, University of Hannover, since 2002 Institute of Systems Engineering - Systems and Computer Architecture (System- und Rechnerarchitektur - SRA)
- 2006 – 2008: Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Leibniz University Hannover
Working and research experience🔗
- CAD systems for telecommunications networks
- Cryptography
- VLSI design
- RISC processor and workstation architectures
- Special purpose simulation multiprocessors
- Artificial Life
- System design and simulation
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Adaptive and self-organizing systems
- Population-based optimization
- Selforganized trust systems
Current research🔗
Prof. Müller-Schloer’s main research interest is in a deeper understanding of the mechanisms governing the self-organization of natural systems and the possibilities to transfer these mechanisms to complex technical systems.
He has co-initiated the successful research field of Organic Computing, which has found major public attention in Germany and worldwide. Together with Prof. Schmeck, Karlsruhe, and Prof. Ungerer, Augsburg, he has established Organic Computing as a serious research field in German academia and industry.
Organic Computing:
- Quantitative emergence
- Organic Traffic Control
- Ontology-based self-organization in embedded systems
- Observer/controller architectures
- Learning classifier systems
- Population-based optimization
- Selforganizing cooperating robots
- Selforganized Trusted Communities
Modeling and simulation of complex heterogeneous technical systems (discrete and continuous), especially embedded control and distributed systems. Virtual prototyping. Real time simulation. Safety-critical systems.
- Educational Technology
Major projects🔗
- BMBF: Notebook-University, Wissenswerkstatt Rechnersysteme, ViP-Tools, COSY, EXIST Volavis, CamInSens
- DFG: Special Priority Programm (SPP) Organic Computing, Quantitative Emergence, Organic Traffic Control, Observation and Control of Collaborative Systems, Organic Traffic Control Collaborative
- DFG Research Initiative OC TRUST (Trust in adaptive, self-organizing systems)
- Industry co-operations with Siemens, BenQ, Bosch, Willert GmbH
Other activities🔗
- Member GI, itg, VDE, IEEE, ACM
- Speaker of the GI/itg Special Interest group Personal Computing and Workstations 1992 - 2002
- Deputy Speaker of Gl/itg Special Interest Group Organic Computing 2012 -
- Speaker of the GI/itg Special Interest group (Fachausschuss) Architecture of Computing Systems 2002 - 2005
- Expert Member of GI Special Interest group (Fachbereich) Technical Informatics (2006 - )
- Guest editor of special issues of it magazines on Ubiquitous Computing and Organic Computing
- Co-initiator and board member of the DFG Priority program 1183 Organic Computing
- Elected Member of DFG Fachkollegium Computer Architecture (2012 - 2015)
- EU FP 7 evaluator and expert for Robotics and Cognitive Systems and for other EU programs
- EU Flagship evaluator 2012/2013
- Author and coauthor of more than 185 publications and several books
- Visiting Professor University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (6-8/2009)
- Visiting Professor University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, (9-11/2009)
- Visiting Professor, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, China
- Visiting Professor Université de Franche-Comté, France, (3-6/2014)
- Visiting Professor at École Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunication (ENST) ParisTech, Paris(6-8/2014)