Dr.-Ing. Björn Fiedler
- Telefon
- 0511 762 19732
- fiedler@sra.uni-hannover.de
- Adresse
- Appelstraße 4
30167 Hannover - Gebäude
- 3703
- Raum
Raum 109
- AHA: Automated Hardware Abstraction in Operating-System Engineering (DFG: LO 1719/4-1)
- Goal of AHA is to improve nonfunctional properties of system software by a very deep, but fully automated specialization of the application-hardware bridge represented by the operating system. We investigate, how alternative implementations that are mapped more directly to hardware features, can be generated from a concrete application and their actual interactions with the operating system.
Teaching and Courses
Applied static analysis and specialization of cross-core syscalls for multi-core AUTOSAR OS -
Real-Time SystemsSpringer2024.
PDF 10.1007/s11241-024-09429-1 [BibTex]
MultiSSE: Static Syscall Elision and Specialization for Event-Triggered Multi-Core RTOS -
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'23)2023.
PDF Details Slides [BibTex]
Anwendungsgewahre statische Spezialisierung vormals dynamischer Systemaufrufe zur Verbesserung nichtfunktionaler Eigenschaften eingebetteter Echtzeitsysteme -
PHD thesisLeibniz Universität Hannover2023.
PDF 10.15488/13945 [BibTex]
ARA: Static Initialization of Dynamically-Created System Objects -
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'21)2021.
PDF Details Video Teaser Video 10.1109/RTAS52030.2021.00039 [BibTex]
Best Paper Award
Levels of Specialization in Real-Time Operating Systems -
Proceedings of the 14th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT '18)2018Best Paper Award.
PDF [BibTex]
Supervised Theses
Open Theses Topics
Running Theses
Finished Student Theses
Structured Design of LaTeX-Beamer Slides and their Presentation in Multi-Moniter Environments
Create and extend the software support for multi-monitor presentations and evaluate useful usage and application scenarios.
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Alexander Halbuer
Daniel Lohmann - Bearbeiter
- Simon Hermes
Design and Implementation of an HDMI Text-Terminal Peripheral for the LiteX SoC Generator
Implement text-mode peripherals for displaying character based graphics onto HDMI displays. The device should be integrated into the LiteX SoC generator to be used in FPGA-based soft cores.
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Christian Dietrich
Daniel Lohmann - Bearbeiter
- Farhad Javadi
De-slacking MultiSSE: Improving Timing Analysis and Code Synthesis in ARA, an LLVM-Based Whole-System Compiler for Multi-Core Real-Time Systems
Reduce the slack to make the MultiSSE capable of analyzing large systems and manifest that time also in a synthezised image.
- Typ
- Masterarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Björn Fiedler
Daniel Lohmann - Project
Cloudbasiertes Sensorökosystem und Datawarehouse am Beispiel einer zu entwickelnden energieoptimierten Bürotemperierung
Aufbau und Evaluation eines Sensorökosystems für die energie- und nutzenoptimierte Steuerung von Raumparametern wie Temperatur, Lüftung und Beleuchtung.
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Daniel Lohmann
Design and Implementation of an OSEK-Conform Hard Real-Time Application Using LEGO Mindstorms EV3
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Barbara Seidl (abgegeben: 18. Mar 2023)
Slothful Bird: Extend the ARA System Generator by a Sloth Backend for FreeRTOS and OSEK
Extend the ARA Generator with a backend using the interrupt controller as scheduler and dispatcher.
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Daniel Lohmann - Project
ARA in the wild: Systematic Application and Evaluation of ARA as a Whole-System Optimizer on Real-World Applications
ARA is a whole system analyzer and optimizer. This thesis should investigate in an empirical study about the improvements derived from ARA's specializations.
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Daniel Lohmann - Project
System Calls as Prepared Statements: Extend ARA to Precompute Interaction System Calls
Extend the ARA to precompute interaction system calls like queue.send(data).
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Lukas Berg (abgegeben: 20. Sep 2021)
Effizientes Laden dünn besetzter Datenstrukturen auf eingebetteten Systemen
Introduction of Sparse Data Segments for Embedded Systems
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Jannis Thöle
Compile-Time Malloc: Static Analysis and Replacement of Formerly Dynamic Memory Allocations using LLVM and the ARA Framework.
Move all statically analyzable allocations into compile-time.
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Christoph Möller
Statische Instanziierung von FreeRTOS Systemobjekten zur Verbesserung nichtfuntionaler Eigenschaften mit dem ARA Codegenerator Framework
A compile-time generator for static FreeRTOS system objects
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Daniel Lohmann - Project
Automatische Generierung statistisch spezialisierter FreeRTOS-Kerne mit LLVM
A compile-time generator for static FreeRTOS system objects
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Jonas Hollmann
ROS Timestamps for libusb in the Linux Kernel
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Christian Dietrich
Daniel Lohmann - Project
Analyzing and Optimizing TLB-Induced Thread Migration Costs on Linux/ARM
- Typ
- Masterarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Christian Dietrich
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Tobias Landsberg (abgegeben: 21. Nov 2018)