constructor, setting up a scheduler object
set to DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_CONFIG, may use any other values
Flag indicates a non-preemptive critical section
Number of preemption points that are visited before thread must actually call yield
mostly constant configuration options for the scheduler
the currently running task
This flag forces the scheduler to reschedule immediately, before finishing the current timeslice.
number of pauses of the scheduler, may be used nestedly
How long was the scheduler active on the executor
Timeout queue to manage more precise timeouts
the number of elements in the task queue
Add a single-short or periodic alarm function.
The function to be callled after the delay has passed
The deay in miliseconds
Whether the alarm is enqueued again
print messages to stdout if the ''debug'' flag was set
empties the task queue
enqueue a task into the queue of the scheduler (implementation dependent)
if the scheduler is not paused, and there are still tasks left, run the scheduler for meanTimeToYield miliseconds
Execute the current thread for a single timelice
the next task to schedule
determines whether a reschedule needs to take place
pauses the scheduler, may be used nestedly
swaps the currently running task with a new one, uses needsReschedule()
re-introduces the scheduler itself to the event loop
resumes the scheduler after pausing, may be used nestedly
Used by tasks to spawn new tasks, sets the currently running one as the parent
the child task
terminates the currently running task
Generated using TypeDoc
abstract scheduler class, interface for concrete deadline and fixed priority schedulers