Controlling the Kite: Static Control-Flow System Analysis for Embedded Controllers with Zephyr RTOS in ARA

In the AHA project, we statically analyze and optimize embedded real-time systems to allow the improvement of nonfunctional system properties. Using different static analyzer tools developed in our research group, we generate the system-wide control flow, interactions and more in a graph-based structure with the ARA toolchain.

In this thesis, the analysis of the Zephyr RTOS in ARA shall be extended to support the system-state enumeration (SSE) that is currently limited to the AUTOSAR operating system standard. As one part of this work, the existing Zephyr RTOS model shall be extended to support further semantics like scheduling behavior and a detailed system call interpretation. Based on that, the analysis should be extended by a generator part to apply existing compile-time optimizations and assertions to improve the dependability.

To evaluate the extended analysis and synthesis, the analysis shall be applied to real-world applications like the Intel Embedded Controller Firmware [1].

[1] Intel Embedded controller firmware documentation

Topics covered by this thesis: real-time systems, static analysis, LLVM, C++, C, Python

OSPERT Workshop B
RTOS-Independent Interaction Analysis in ARA
Gerion Entrup, Jan Neugebauer, Daniel LohmannProceedings of the 16th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT '22)2022.
PDF Slides [BibTex]
LCTES Conference A
Cross-Kernel Control-Flow-Graph Analysis for Event-Driven Real-Time Systems
Christian Dietrich, Martin Hoffmann, Daniel LohmannProceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES '15)ACM Press2015.
PDF Raw Data 10.1145/2670529.2754963 [BibTex]

Design und Implementierung eines Zephyr-RTOS-Modells für ARA zur statischen Whole-System-Analyse

Extend ARA - a (real-time) operating system (RTOS) analyzer - for analysis of Zephyr, an RTOS guided by the Linux Foundation



Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann


Kenny Albes (abgegeben: 28. Feb 2021)