Experimental Setup of an Active Magnetic Bearing for Real-Time Operating System Research


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Within the AHA project, we focus on optimizing embedded systems by specialization of the OS itself. For Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS), our group developed several statical analysis and optimization tools. In order to prove the applicability of these tools, we are looking for real-world examples of suitable embedded systems. However, our experience shows that such applications for embedded (real-time) systems are very rare, as they are usually intellectual property of the vendors.


An experimental setup for a common mechatronic system - the active magnetic bearing - is needed to serve as basis for the application of RTOS specialization. Such systems are commonly used e.g. for magnetic levitation trains, contactless transportation systems, artificial hearts, etc. One or multiple electromagnets are controlled to hover a ferromagnetic material in the air (e.g. Floating ball) 1. To control the magnet, a feedback loop from a distance or light sensor is required and e.g. a PID circuit will control the electromagnet. When a microcontroller (MCU) is used instead, the control system can be implemented in software, enabling complex control logic and dynamic reconfiguration.


The minimal goal of this thesis is to have an experimental setup, where a simple control function with sensor input and magnet control is implemented. The student must create the electronic circuit including the sensor connection and the power amplifier for the electromagnet. For the controller, a Raspberry Pi Pico 2 running MicroPython 2 can be used. When the initial experiment is working, the control software shall be implemented for a Real-Time Operating System, e.g. Zephyr 34. The implemented system can be compared to the original hardware implementation regarding various aspects like cost, flexibility, complexity and timing.

The tasks for the student are:

Topics: MicroPython, Mechatronics, Real-Time System, Zephyr
