1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668
//! Provides types for the Interrupt Descriptor Table and its entries.
//! 32-bit version of the `x86_64` crate
use core::arch::asm;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::mem::size_of;
use core::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use core::ptr;
use bitfield_struct::bitfield;
use crate::arch::gdt::{code_segment, Ring, SegmentSelector};
use crate::arch::regs::Flags;
use crate::arch::DescriptorTablePointer;
/// An Interrupt Descriptor Table with 256 entries.
/// The first 32 entries are used for CPU exceptions. These entries can be either accessed through
/// fields on this struct or through an index operation, e.g. `idt[0]` returns the
/// first entry, the entry for the `divide_error` exception. Note that the index access is
/// not possible for entries for which an error code is pushed.
/// The remaining entries are used for interrupts. They can be accesed through index
/// operations on the idt, e.g. `idt[32]` returns the first interrupt entry, which is the 32nd IDT
/// entry).
/// The field descriptions are taken from the
/// [AMD64 manual volume 2](
/// (with slight modifications).
pub struct InterruptDescriptorTable {
/// A divide error (`#DE`) occurs when the denominator of a DIV instruction or
/// an IDIV instruction is 0. A `#DE` also occurs if the result is too large to be
/// represented in the destination.
/// The saved instruction pointer points to the instruction that caused the `#DE`.
/// The vector number of the `#DE` exception is 0.
pub divide_error: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// When the debug-exception mechanism is enabled, a `#DB` exception can occur under any
/// of the following circumstances:
/// <details>
/// - Instruction execution.
/// - Instruction single stepping.
/// - Data read.
/// - Data write.
/// - I/O read.
/// - I/O write.
/// - Task switch.
/// - Debug-register access, or general detect fault (debug register access when DR7.GD=1).
/// - Executing the INT1 instruction (opcode 0F1h).
/// </details>
/// `#DB` conditions are enabled and disabled using the debug-control register, `DR7`
/// and `RFLAGS.TF`.
/// In the following cases, the saved instruction pointer points to the instruction that
/// caused the `#DB`:
/// - Instruction execution.
/// - Invalid debug-register access, or general detect.
/// In all other cases, the instruction that caused the `#DB` is completed, and the saved
/// instruction pointer points to the instruction after the one that caused the `#DB`.
/// The vector number of the `#DB` exception is 1.
pub debug: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// An non maskable interrupt exception (NMI) occurs as a result of system logic
/// signaling a non-maskable interrupt to the processor.
/// The processor recognizes an NMI at an instruction boundary.
/// The saved instruction pointer points to the instruction immediately following the
/// boundary where the NMI was recognized.
/// The vector number of the NMI exception is 2.
pub non_maskable_interrupt: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// A breakpoint (`#BP`) exception occurs when an `INT3` instruction is executed. The
/// `INT3` is normally used by debug software to set instruction breakpoints by replacing
/// The saved instruction pointer points to the byte after the `INT3` instruction.
/// The vector number of the `#BP` exception is 3.
pub breakpoint: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// An overflow exception (`#OF`) occurs as a result of executing an `INTO` instruction
/// while the overflow bit in `RFLAGS` is set to 1.
/// The saved instruction pointer points to the instruction following the `INTO`
/// instruction that caused the `#OF`.
/// The vector number of the `#OF` exception is 4.
pub overflow: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// A bound-range exception (`#BR`) exception can occur as a result of executing
/// the `BOUND` instruction. The `BOUND` instruction compares an array index (first
/// operand) with the lower bounds and upper bounds of an array (second operand).
/// If the array index is not within the array boundary, the `#BR` occurs.
/// The saved instruction pointer points to the `BOUND` instruction that caused the `#BR`.
/// The vector number of the `#BR` exception is 5.
pub bound_range_exceeded: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// An invalid opcode exception (`#UD`) occurs when an attempt is made to execute an
/// invalid or undefined opcode. The validity of an opcode often depends on the
/// processor operating mode.
/// <details><summary>A `#UD` occurs under the following conditions:</summary>
/// - Execution of any reserved or undefined opcode in any mode.
/// - Execution of the `UD2` instruction.
/// - Use of the `LOCK` prefix on an instruction that cannot be locked.
/// - Use of the `LOCK` prefix on a lockable instruction with a non-memory target location.
/// - Execution of an instruction with an invalid-operand type.
/// - Execution of the `SYSENTER` or `SYSEXIT` instructions in long mode.
/// - Execution of any of the following instructions in 64-bit mode: `AAA`, `AAD`,
/// `AAM`, `AAS`, `BOUND`, `CALL` (opcode 9A), `DAA`, `DAS`, `DEC`, `INC`, `INTO`,
/// `JMP` (opcode EA), `LDS`, `LES`, `POP` (`DS`, `ES`, `SS`), `POPA`, `PUSH` (`CS`,
/// `DS`, `ES`, `SS`), `PUSHA`, `SALC`.
/// - Execution of the `ARPL`, `LAR`, `LLDT`, `LSL`, `LTR`, `SLDT`, `STR`, `VERR`, or
/// `VERW` instructions when protected mode is not enabled, or when virtual-8086 mode
/// is enabled.
/// - Execution of any legacy SSE instruction when `CR4.OSFXSR` is cleared to 0.
/// - Execution of any SSE instruction (uses `YMM`/`XMM` registers), or 64-bit media
/// instruction (uses `MMXTM` registers) when `CR0.EM` = 1.
/// - Execution of any SSE floating-point instruction (uses `YMM`/`XMM` registers) that
/// causes a numeric exception when `CR4.OSXMMEXCPT` = 0.
/// - Use of the `DR4` or `DR5` debug registers when `CR4.DE` = 1.
/// - Execution of `RSM` when not in `SMM` mode.
/// </details>
/// The saved instruction pointer points to the instruction that caused the `#UD`.
/// The vector number of the `#UD` exception is 6.
pub invalid_opcode: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// A device not available exception (`#NM`) occurs under any of the following conditions:
/// <details>
/// - An `FWAIT`/`WAIT` instruction is executed when `CR0.MP=1` and `CR0.TS=1`.
/// - Any x87 instruction other than `FWAIT` is executed when `CR0.EM=1`.
/// - Any x87 instruction is executed when `CR0.TS=1`. The `CR0.MP` bit controls whether the
/// `FWAIT`/`WAIT` instruction causes an `#NM` exception when `TS=1`.
/// - Any 128-bit or 64-bit media instruction when `CR0.TS=1`.
/// </details>
/// The saved instruction pointer points to the instruction that caused the `#NM`.
/// The vector number of the `#NM` exception is 7.
pub device_not_available: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// A double fault (`#DF`) exception can occur when a second exception occurs during
/// the handling of a prior (first) exception or interrupt handler.
/// <details>
/// Usually, the first and second exceptions can be handled sequentially without
/// resulting in a `#DF`. In this case, the first exception is considered _benign_, as
/// it does not harm the ability of the processor to handle the second exception. In some
/// cases, however, the first exception adversely affects the ability of the processor to
/// handle the second exception. These exceptions contribute to the occurrence of a `#DF`,
/// and are called _contributory exceptions_. The following exceptions are contributory:
/// - Invalid-TSS Exception
/// - Segment-Not-Present Exception
/// - Stack Exception
/// - General-Protection Exception
/// A double-fault exception occurs in the following cases:
/// - If a contributory exception is followed by another contributory exception.
/// - If a divide-by-zero exception is followed by a contributory exception.
/// - If a page fault is followed by another page fault or a contributory exception.
/// If a third interrupting event occurs while transferring control to the `#DF` handler,
/// the processor shuts down.
/// </details>
/// The returned error code is always zero. The saved instruction pointer is undefined,
/// and the program cannot be restarted.
/// The vector number of the `#DF` exception is 8.
pub double_fault: Entry<DivergingHandlerFuncWithErrCode>,
/// This interrupt vector is reserved. It is for a discontinued exception originally used
/// by processors that supported external x87-instruction coprocessors. On those processors,
/// the exception condition is caused by an invalid-segment or invalid-page access on an
/// x87-instruction coprocessor-instruction operand. On current processors, this condition
/// causes a general-protection exception to occur.
coprocessor_segment_overrun: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// An invalid TSS exception (`#TS`) occurs only as a result of a control transfer through
/// a gate descriptor that results in an invalid stack-segment reference using an `SS`
/// selector in the TSS.
/// The returned error code is the `SS` segment selector. The saved instruction pointer
/// points to the control-transfer instruction that caused the `#TS`.
/// The vector number of the `#TS` exception is 10.
pub invalid_tss: Entry<HandlerFuncWithErrCode>,
/// An segment-not-present exception (`#NP`) occurs when an attempt is made to load a
/// segment or gate with a clear present bit.
/// The returned error code is the segment-selector index of the segment descriptor
/// causing the `#NP` exception. The saved instruction pointer points to the instruction
/// that loaded the segment selector resulting in the `#NP`.
/// The vector number of the `#NP` exception is 11.
pub segment_not_present: Entry<HandlerFuncWithErrCode>,
/// An stack segment exception (`#SS`) can occur in the following situations:
/// - Implied stack references in which the stack address is not in canonical
/// form. Implied stack references include all push and pop instructions, and any
/// instruction using `RSP` or `RBP` as a base register.
/// - Attempting to load a stack-segment selector that references a segment descriptor
/// containing a clear present bit.
/// - Any stack access that fails the stack-limit check.
/// The returned error code depends on the cause of the `#SS`. If the cause is a cleared
/// present bit, the error code is the corresponding segment selector. Otherwise, the
/// error code is zero. The saved instruction pointer points to the instruction that
/// caused the `#SS`.
/// The vector number of the `#NP` exception is 12.
pub stack_segment_fault: Entry<HandlerFuncWithErrCode>,
/// A general protection fault (`#GP`) can occur in various situations. Common causes include:
/// - Executing a privileged instruction while `CPL > 0`.
/// - Writing a 1 into any register field that is reserved, must be zero (MBZ).
/// - Attempting to execute an SSE instruction specifying an unaligned memory operand.
/// - Loading a non-canonical base address into the `GDTR` or `IDTR`.
/// - Using WRMSR to write a read-only MSR.
/// - Any long-mode consistency-check violation.
/// The returned error code is a segment selector, if the cause of the `#GP` is
/// segment-related, and zero otherwise. The saved instruction pointer points to
/// the instruction that caused the `#GP`.
/// The vector number of the `#GP` exception is 13.
pub general_protection_fault: Entry<HandlerFuncWithErrCode>,
/// A page fault (`#PF`) can occur during a memory access in any of the following situations:
/// - A page-translation-table entry or physical page involved in translating the memory
/// access is not present in physical memory. This is indicated by a cleared present
/// bit in the translation-table entry.
/// - An attempt is made by the processor to load the instruction TLB with a translation
/// for a non-executable page.
/// - The memory access fails the paging-protection checks (user/supervisor, read/write,
/// or both).
/// - A reserved bit in one of the page-translation-table entries is set to 1. A `#PF`
/// occurs for this reason only when `CR4.PSE=1` or `CR4.PAE=1`.
/// The virtual (linear) address that caused the `#PF` is stored in the `CR2` register.
/// The saved instruction pointer points to the instruction that caused the `#PF`.
/// The page-fault error code is described by the
/// [`PageFaultErrorCode`](struct.PageFaultErrorCode.html) struct.
/// The vector number of the `#PF` exception is 14.
pub page_fault: Entry<PageFaultHandlerFunc>,
/// vector nr. 15
reserved_1: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// The x87 Floating-Point Exception-Pending exception (`#MF`) is used to handle unmasked x87
/// floating-point exceptions. In 64-bit mode, the x87 floating point unit is not used
/// anymore, so this exception is only relevant when executing programs in the 32-bit
/// compatibility mode.
/// The vector number of the `#MF` exception is 16.
pub x87_floating_point: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// An alignment check exception (`#AC`) occurs when an unaligned-memory data reference
/// is performed while alignment checking is enabled. An `#AC` can occur only when CPL=3.
/// The returned error code is always zero. The saved instruction pointer points to the
/// instruction that caused the `#AC`.
/// The vector number of the `#AC` exception is 17.
pub alignment_check: Entry<HandlerFuncWithErrCode>,
/// The machine check exception (`#MC`) is model specific. Processor implementations
/// are not required to support the `#MC` exception, and those implementations that do
/// support `#MC` can vary in how the `#MC` exception mechanism works.
/// There is no reliable way to restart the program.
/// The vector number of the `#MC` exception is 18.
pub machine_check: Entry<DivergingHandlerFunc>,
/// The SIMD Floating-Point Exception (`#XF`) is used to handle unmasked SSE
/// floating-point exceptions. The SSE floating-point exceptions reported by
/// the `#XF` exception are (including mnemonics):
/// - IE: Invalid-operation exception (also called #I).
/// - DE: Denormalized-operand exception (also called #D).
/// - ZE: Zero-divide exception (also called #Z).
/// - OE: Overflow exception (also called #O).
/// - UE: Underflow exception (also called #U).
/// - PE: Precision exception (also called #P or inexact-result exception).
/// The saved instruction pointer points to the instruction that caused the `#XF`.
/// The vector number of the `#XF` exception is 19.
pub simd_floating_point: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// vector nr. 20
pub virtualization: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// vector nr. 21-29
reserved_2: [Entry<HandlerFunc>; 9],
/// The Security Exception (`#SX`) signals security-sensitive events that occur while
/// executing the VMM, in the form of an exception so that the VMM may take appropriate
/// action. (A VMM would typically intercept comparable sensitive events in the guest.)
/// In the current implementation, the only use of the `#SX` is to redirect external INITs
/// into an exception so that the VMM may — among other possibilities.
/// The only error code currently defined is 1, and indicates redirection of INIT has occurred.
/// The vector number of the ``#SX`` exception is 30.
pub security_exception: Entry<HandlerFuncWithErrCode>,
/// vector nr. 31
reserved_3: Entry<HandlerFunc>,
/// User-defined interrupts can be initiated either by system logic or software. They occur
/// when:
/// - System logic signals an external interrupt request to the processor. The signaling
/// mechanism and the method of communicating the interrupt vector to the processor are
/// implementation dependent.
/// - Software executes an `INTn` instruction. The `INTn` instruction operand provides
/// the interrupt vector number.
/// Both methods can be used to initiate an interrupt into vectors 0 through 255. However,
/// because vectors 0 through 31 are defined or reserved by the AMD64 architecture,
/// software should not use vectors in this range for purposes other than their defined use.
/// The saved instruction pointer depends on the interrupt source:
/// - External interrupts are recognized on instruction boundaries. The saved instruction
/// pointer points to the instruction immediately following the boundary where the
/// external interrupt was recognized.
/// - If the interrupt occurs as a result of executing the INTn instruction, the saved
/// instruction pointer points to the instruction after the INTn.
interrupts: [Entry<HandlerFunc>; 256 - 32],
impl InterruptDescriptorTable {
/// Creates a new IDT filled with non-present entries.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
divide_error: Entry::missing(),
debug: Entry::missing(),
non_maskable_interrupt: Entry::missing(),
breakpoint: Entry::missing(),
overflow: Entry::missing(),
bound_range_exceeded: Entry::missing(),
invalid_opcode: Entry::missing(),
device_not_available: Entry::missing(),
double_fault: Entry::missing(),
coprocessor_segment_overrun: Entry::missing(),
invalid_tss: Entry::missing(),
segment_not_present: Entry::missing(),
stack_segment_fault: Entry::missing(),
general_protection_fault: Entry::missing(),
page_fault: Entry::missing(),
reserved_1: Entry::missing(),
x87_floating_point: Entry::missing(),
alignment_check: Entry::missing(),
machine_check: Entry::missing(),
simd_floating_point: Entry::missing(),
virtualization: Entry::missing(),
reserved_2: [Entry::missing(); 9],
security_exception: Entry::missing(),
reserved_3: Entry::missing(),
interrupts: [Entry::missing(); 256 - 32],
/// Loads the IDT in the CPU using the `lidt` command.
pub fn activate(&'static self) {
unsafe { asm!("lidt [{}]", in(reg) &self.pointer()) };
/// Creates the descriptor pointer for this table. This pointer can only be
/// safely used if the table is never modified or destroyed while in use.
const fn pointer(&self) -> DescriptorTablePointer {
DescriptorTablePointer {
base: ptr::from_ref(self).cast_mut().cast(),
limit: (size_of::<Self>() - 1) as u16,
impl Index<usize> for InterruptDescriptorTable {
type Output = Entry<HandlerFunc>;
/// Returns the IDT entry with the specified index.
/// Panics if index is outside the IDT (i.e. greater than 255) or if the entry is an
/// exception that pushes an error code (use the struct fields for accessing these entries).
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
match index {
0 => &self.divide_error,
1 => &self.debug,
2 => &self.non_maskable_interrupt,
3 => &self.breakpoint,
4 => &self.overflow,
5 => &self.bound_range_exceeded,
6 => &self.invalid_opcode,
7 => &self.device_not_available,
9 => &self.coprocessor_segment_overrun,
16 => &self.x87_floating_point,
19 => &self.simd_floating_point,
20 => &self.virtualization,
32..=255 => &self.interrupts[index - 32],
15 | 31 | 21..=29 => panic!("entry {} is reserved", index),
8 | 10..=14 | 17 | 30 => panic!("entry {} has an error code", index),
18 => panic!("entry {} is a diverging exception", index),
_ => panic!("no entry with index {}", index),
impl IndexMut<usize> for InterruptDescriptorTable {
/// Returns a mutable reference to the IDT entry with the specified index.
/// Panics if index is outside the IDT (i.e. greater than 255) or if the entry is an
/// exception that pushes an error code (use the struct fields for accessing these entries).
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output {
match index {
0 => &mut self.divide_error,
1 => &mut self.debug,
2 => &mut self.non_maskable_interrupt,
3 => &mut self.breakpoint,
4 => &mut self.overflow,
5 => &mut self.bound_range_exceeded,
6 => &mut self.invalid_opcode,
7 => &mut self.device_not_available,
9 => &mut self.coprocessor_segment_overrun,
16 => &mut self.x87_floating_point,
19 => &mut self.simd_floating_point,
20 => &mut self.virtualization,
32..=255 => &mut self.interrupts[index - 32],
15 | 31 | 21..=29 => panic!("entry {} is reserved", index),
8 | 10..=14 | 17 | 30 => panic!("entry {} has an error code", index),
18 => panic!("entry {} is a diverging exception", index),
_ => panic!("no entry with index {}", index),
/// An Interrupt Descriptor Table entry.
/// The generic parameter can either be `HandlerFunc` or `HandlerFuncWithErrCode`, depending
/// on the interrupt vector.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct Entry<F> {
pointer_low: u16,
code_segment: SegmentSelector,
options: EntryOptions,
pointer_middle: u16,
phantom: PhantomData<F>,
/// A handler function for an interrupt or an exception without error code.
pub type HandlerFunc = unsafe extern "x86-interrupt" fn(InterruptStack);
/// A handler function for an exception that pushes an error code.
pub type HandlerFuncWithErrCode = unsafe extern "x86-interrupt" fn(InterruptStack, error_code: u32);
/// A page fault handler function that pushes a page fault error code.
pub type PageFaultHandlerFunc =
unsafe extern "x86-interrupt" fn(InterruptStack, error_code: PageFaultError);
/// A handler function that must not return, e.g. for a machine check exception.
pub type DivergingHandlerFunc = unsafe extern "x86-interrupt" fn(InterruptStack) -> !;
/// A handler function with an error code that must not return, e.g. for a double fault exception.
pub type DivergingHandlerFuncWithErrCode =
unsafe extern "x86-interrupt" fn(InterruptStack, error_code: u32) -> !;
impl<F> Entry<F> {
/// Creates a non-present IDT entry (but sets the must-be-one bits).
pub const fn missing() -> Self {
Self {
code_segment: SegmentSelector::new(),
pointer_low: 0,
pointer_middle: 0,
options: EntryOptions::minimal(),
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Set the handler address for the IDT entry and sets the present bit.
/// For the code selector field, this function uses the code segment selector currently
/// active in the CPU.
/// The function returns a mutable reference to the entry's options that allows
/// further customization.
fn set_handler_addr(&mut self, addr: u32) -> &mut EntryOptions {
self.pointer_low = addr as u16;
self.pointer_middle = (addr >> 16) as u16;
self.code_segment = code_segment();
&mut self.options
macro_rules! impl_set_handler_fn {
($h:ty) => {
impl Entry<$h> {
/// Set the handler function for the IDT entry and sets the present bit.
/// For the code selector field, this function uses the code segment selector currently
/// active in the CPU.
/// The function returns a mutable reference to the entry's options that allows
/// further customization.
pub fn set_handler_fn(&mut self, handler: $h) -> &mut EntryOptions {
self.set_handler_addr(handler as usize as _)
/// Represents the options field of an IDT entry.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct EntryOptions {
/// Index of an interrupt stack
stack_idx: u16,
__: u16,
/// Gate type
#[bits(3, default = Gate::Int)]
pub gate: Gate,
/// If this is a 32 bit entry
#[bits(1, default = true)]
pub gate_32: bool,
__: bool,
/// Set the required privilege level (DPL) for invoking the handler. The DPL can be 0
/// or 3, the default is 0. If CPL < DPL, a general protection fault occurs.
#[bits(2, default = Ring::System)]
pub privilege_level: Ring,
/// Has to be true for valid entries.
pub present: bool,
/// Gate types
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Gate {
/// Task Gate
Task = 0x5,
/// Interrupt Gate
Int = 0x6,
/// Trap Gate
Trap = 0x7,
impl Gate {
const fn into_bits(self) -> u16 {
self as _
const fn from_bits(v: u16) -> Self {
match v {
0x5 => Self::Task,
0x6 => Self::Int,
0x7 => Self::Trap,
_ => unreachable!(),
impl EntryOptions {
/// Creates a minimal options field with all the must-be-one bits set.
const fn minimal() -> Self {
/// Assigns a Interrupt Stack Table (IST) stack to this handler. The CPU will then always
/// switch to the specified stack before the handler is invoked. This allows kernels to
/// recover from corrupt stack pointers (e.g., on kernel stack overflow).
/// An IST stack is specified by an IST index between 0 and 6 (inclusive). Using the same
/// stack for multiple interrupts can be dangerous when nested interrupts are possible.
/// This function panics if the index is not in the range 0..7.
/// ## Safety
/// This function is unsafe because the caller must ensure that the passed stack index is
/// valid and not used by other interrupts. Otherwise, memory safety violations are possible.
pub const unsafe fn with_stack(self, index: u16) -> Self {
assert!(index <= 7);
// The hardware IST index starts at 1, but our software IST index
// starts at 0. Therefore we need to add 1 here.
self.with_stack_idx(index + 1)
/// Represents the interrupt stack frame pushed by the CPU on interrupt or exception entry.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct InterruptStack {
/// This value points to the instruction that should be executed when the interrupt
/// handler returns. For most interrupts, this value points to the instruction immediately
/// following the last executed instruction. However, for some exceptions (e.g., page faults),
/// this value points to the faulting instruction, so that the instruction is restarted on
/// return. See the documentation of the [`InterruptDescriptorTable`] fields for more details.
pub ip: u32,
/// The code segment selector, padded with zeros.
pub cs: u32,
/// The flags register before the interrupt handler was invoked.
pub flags: Flags,
/// The stack pointer at the time of the interrupt.
pub sp: u32,
/// The stack segment descriptor at the time of the interrupt (often zero in 64-bit mode).
pub ss: u32,
/// Error code for page faults
pub struct PageFaultError {
/// If this flag is set, the page fault was caused by a page-protection violation,
/// else the page fault was caused by a not-present page.
pub protection: bool,
/// If this flag is set, the memory access that caused the page fault was a write.
/// Else the access that caused the page fault is a memory read. This bit does not
/// necessarily indicate the cause of the page fault was a read or write violation.
pub write: bool,
/// If this flag is set, an access in user mode (CPL=3) caused the page fault. Else
/// an access in supervisor mode (CPL=0, 1, or 2) caused the page fault. This bit
/// does not necessarily indicate the cause of the page fault was a privilege violation.
pub user: bool,
/// If this flag is set, the page fault is a result of the processor reading a 1 from
/// a reserved field within a page-translation-table entry.
pub table: bool,
/// If this flag is set, it indicates that the access that caused the page fault was an
/// instruction fetch.
pub instruction: bool,
_p: (),