use arraydeque::ArrayDeque;
use super::{scheduler::APPS, Scheduler};
/// Semaphore used for the synchronization of threads.
/// Other than the spinlock, this semaphore can put threads to sleep and wake them up.
pub struct Semaphore {
counter: usize,
waiting: ArrayDeque<usize, APPS>,
impl Semaphore {
// Initialize the `counter` with provided value
pub const fn new(counter: usize) -> Self {
/// Get the current value of the counter
pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
/// Wait for access to the critical area
pub fn wait(&mut self, scheduler: &mut Scheduler) {
todo!("BSB A6")
/// Leave the critical area
pub fn signal(&mut self, scheduler: &mut Scheduler) {
todo!("BSB A6")